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The Glass Menagerie

The Glass Menagerie

Nebraska Repertory Theatre | Howell Memorial Theatre | 2019
Scenic Designer:
Lighting Designer:
Technical Director:
Master Electrician:
Andy Park
Greyson McCown
Adam Jezl-Sikorski
Lauren Spilinek
Cameron L Strandin

Shop Order

One of our biggest responsibilities as a Master Electrician at the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film and especially for Nebraska Rep Production is to make a thorough and well organized Shop Order. This Shop Order is made from a Microsoft Excel master workbook I created.
Glass Menagerie - Shop Order P1.jpg
Glass Menagerie - Shop Order P2.jpg

Soca Run Maps

Another Responsibility is planning out Soca Runs and Dimmers from Howell Theatre's drop box circuiting system. These Plots could be distributed to individual electricians for more productivity during Light Hang
Glass Menagerie - Soca Run Schedule.jpg
Glass Menagerie - ME Plot-16.jpg
Glass Menagerie - ME Plot-14.jpg
Glass Menagerie - ME Plot-21.jpg

DMX Runs

Same as Soca Runs, DMX Runs also have to be planned out and mapped
Glass Menagerie - ME Plot-27.jpg
Glass Menagerie - ME Plot-23.jpg


Light Plot (Vectorworks)
Channel Hookup (Lightwright)
Instrument Schedule (Lightwright)
Shop Order (Excel)
Glass Menagerie - Shop Purchase

Shop Purchase Order

Also from the same master Excel workbook, It was important for the production to keep track of what was bought.

DMX and Power Schedule

The DMX and Power Schedule is the name I use to describe the document used to plan out every non-conventionals DMX address and Universe based on DMX Runs
Glass Menagerie - DMX and Power Schedule
Glass Menagerie - DMX and Power Schedule

Fog and Haze Schedule

In order to be able to suppress the fire alarm system in the theatre a show is in, it is often requested of the Electrics department to make an Atmospherics schedule with all planned times that Fog and or Haze will be in use.
Glass Menagerie - Fog and Haze Schedule.
TLP 2019

Timber Lake Playhouse 2019

Timber Lake Playhouse | 2019 Summer Season | 2019
Artistic Director:
Lighting Designers:
Technical Director:
Master Electrician:
Paul Stancato
Cameron L Strandin, Joe Cantalupo, Ben Danielowski, Tanner Simpson
Addison Calvin
Cameron L Strandin

Shop Order

This Shop Order format is the predecessor to the one used for The Glass Menagerie. I believe that a well organized Shop Order is a great starting point for all other ME Paperwork.
TLP 2019 - Shop Order.jpg

DMX and Power Schedule

TLP 2019 - DMX and Power Schedule.jpg
TLP 2019 - Budget.jpg
TLP 2019 - Purchase Orders.jpg

Electrics Budget

At Timber Lake Playhouse, I was responsible for a six show budget for the whole season. Company Management required Purchase Orders to be filled out before any purchase could be made. I made this Excel document so that I could fill in the Purchase Order information and it would automatically calculate the budget.

Mamma Mia Scenic Lights

The Scenic Designer of Mamma Mia requested light up orbs for the set to look like pearls in a shell. I decided that instead of making the orbs light up from the inside, it would give a better effect to have them be up-lit from the shells themselves

Into the Woods Moon

In Into the Woods, the Scenic Designer requested for their to be a light up moon that could travel across the stage. My solution for this was to use LED Tape around the rim of the Moon and for the ribbon cable slack to be controlled through a system of Pulleys

Into the Woods Book Themed Footlights



Light Plot (Vectorworks)
Channel Hookup (Lightwright)
Instrument Schedule (Lightwright)
Shop Order (Excel)
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